A weekend at The Engine House Suffolk

Last week, we hit the open road for an adventure to Suffolk. It was so good to be exploring again, meeting lovely owners, visiting Kip properties and seeing this region’s beautiful flat lands and craggy coastline. And although it was hours of driving, it felt like a real pleasure to be roaming free and listening to Desert Island Discs as we wound our way there from Bristol. Slow UK travel – it’s such a lovely thing.

Our first stop was The Engine House. We knew it would wow us, but the sheer beauty of it in reality blew us away. Once a derelict old engine house, it was restored and extended by owner Sandy, a Creative Director, with the help of her architect friend.

“I was really inspired by the building itself, and trying to breathe life back into what was here. It was the simplicity that I fell in love with; the double-height ceiling, great natural light source, a feeling of calm to the place.”

Sandy lives here half of the time, and has filled every corner with her eclectic style. We adored the quirky art and vintage treasures.

“I had a pretty stringent rule not to buy new stuff. Most of the things in the Vintage House are from eBay and charity shops! It took time, but it was a lovely goose chase, finding all of these pieces.”

In terms of comfort, it absolutely smashes it too: underfloor heating, a luxe bath and rain shower, and the comfiest of beds. Eyemasks are provided as there are no curtains, so you awake into a pool of sunlight and singing birds outside.

All in all, such an inspiring place to spend a few days. We loved it! Read our full review and find out how to book The Engine House.